Special Item Code
ipcsa01 - 03 (55% is 03) bust potions
ipcsa28 - 39 (1 sec is 39) cure chargers
ipbnp08 - 0 sec hp pots
ipcsa73 - Class Change pill
ipcsa30 - stealth
ipbhp08 - pots (hp,fp,sp,de,co,ae,ex,np)
ipche01 - nickname
irtal01-13 - talics 01 iggy, 04 chaos, 06 fav, 07 wisdom, 12 grace, 13 mercy
ircsa01-04 - T5's
ircsa05-12 - jades , irjad04(Talk Jade)
bxcsa01 - 03 (28 for sock box, 03 lucky large, 18 fav largerr)
bxgem04 - boxes
bxcjh01 - boxes
(Favor Stable)
iycse03,iycsa04([B-Class]4-5 & 5-6)
iycsd09,iycsd12(SS 4-5 & 5-6)
53911 iruge01 Shiny Ruby of Luck 16454144
53912 iruge02 Shiny Crystal of Luck 16519680
53913 iruge03 Shiny Gold Jade of Luck 16585216
53914 iruge04 Shiny Black Jade of Luck 16650752
ibbow38-39 - elemntal ammo
iidgn01-02 - Dagnu eles RINGS
iiaad05 - RING new eles (30/50 per att/def | 80 per att/dog) (aa, bb, cc middle two letters)
iaaad05 - HS new eles (50 per att/def | 80 per att/dog ) (aa, bb, cc middle two letters)
iadgn01-02 - Dagnu eles HS`t
iiaad25 - Attc/Avoid 30/25 (Acc)
iiaad50 - Attc/Deff 30/30 (Acc)
iiaad80 - Deff/Avoid 30/25 (Acc)
iaaad25 - Attc/Avoid 30/25 (Acc)
iaaad50 - Attc/Deff 30/30 (Acc)
iibbd50 - Attc/Deff 25/30 (Bellato)
iibbd80 - Deff/Avoid 30/25 (Bellato)
iibbd25 - Attc/Avoid 25/25 (Bellato)
iabbd10 - Deff 30 (Bellato)
iabbd21 - Attc 25 (Bellato)
iabbd06 - Avoid 25 (Bellato)
iiccd15 - Deff 25 (Cora)
iiccd05 - Avoid 25 (Cora)
iiccd10 - Attc 30 (Cora)
iaccd25 - Deff/Avoid 25/25 (Cora)
iaccd50 - Deff/Attc 25/30 (Cora)
iaccd80 - Attc/Avoid 30/25 (Cora)
iiaab58 25/25 atk/def (Acc)
iiaab50 25/20 atk/avoid (Acc)
iiaab74 25/20 def/avoid (Acc)
iaaab50 25/20 atk/avoid (Acc)
iaaab58 25/25 atk/def (Acc)
iibbd26 21/26 atk/deff (Bellato)
iibbd56 26/21 deff/avoid (Bellato)
iibbd01 21/21 atk/avoid (Bellato)
iabbd11 21 atk (Bellato)
iabbd05 25 deff (Bellato)
iabbd01 21 avoid (Bellato)
iaccd26 21/26 deff/atk
iaccd01 21/21 deff/avoid
iaccd56 26/21 atk/avoid
iiccd11 21 deff
iiccd01 21 avoid
iiccd06 26 atk
iachr01 - christmas elemental amulet atk 40%
iachr02 - christmas elemental amulet atk 45%
iachr03 - christmas elemental amulet def 40%
iachr04 - christmas elemental amulet def 45%
iachr05 - christmas elemental amulet avoid 40%
iachr06 - christmas elemental amulet avoid 45%
iichr01 - christmas elemental ring atk 40%
iichr02 - christmas elemental ring atk 45%
iichr03 - christmas elemental ring deff 40%
iichr04 - christmas elemental ring deff 45%
iichr05 - christmas elemental ring avoid 40%
iichr06 - christmas elemental ring avoid 45%
Elemental DH
iabhb05 - vampiric necklace (30atk 5hp drain)
iabhd05 - flame tiger necklace (25atk 20acc)
iabhs05 - giant mutant necklace (25atk 25def)
iabht05 - storm crab necklace (25atk 20dodge)
iibhb05 - baal hamon's ring
iibhg05 - infinite memory ring
iibhh05 - Dark Fog Master's Ring
iibhq05 - Dark Hall Queens Ring
Cora :
iachb05 - vampiric necklace (30atk 5hp drain)
iachd05 - flame tiger necklace (25atk 20acc)
iachs05 - giant mutant necklace (25atk 25def)
iacht05 - storm crab necklace (25atk 20dodge)
iichb05 - baal hamon's ring
iichg05 - infinite memory ring
iichh05 - Dark Fog Master's Ring
iichq05 - Dark Hall Queens Ring
Accretia :
iaahb05 - vampiric necklace (30atk 5hp drain)
iaahd05 - flame tiger necklace (25atk 20acc)
iaahs05 - giant mutant necklace (25atk 25def)
iaaht05 - storm crab necklace (25atk 20dodge)
iiahb05 - baal hamon's ring
iiahg05 - infinite memory ring
iiahh05 - Dark Fog Master's Ring
iiahq05 - Dark Hall Queens Ring
ikxxx01 - CEO Mantle (GM Cape)
iired01-12 - ELE DH RING
iared01-12 - ELE DH AMU
Elemental Speed
iiquc01 - Cora
iaquc01 - Bellato
iaqua01 - Acc
Intense Weapon
iwspb55 – spear
iwknb55 – knife
iwmab55 – mace
iwaxb55 – axe
iwswb55 – sword
iwbob55 – bow
iwlub55 - flamethrower
iwgeb55 - Granade Launcher
iwlub51 - akeron launcher
iwstb55 – staff
iwfib55 – gun
iwhkn01 - black sign maneater
iwstz02/iwstd02(high) - relic staff
iwluz04 - relic launcher
iwflz04 - relic inferno
iwboz01 - 02 - relic bow
iwfiz04 - relic fire arm/dual hiitler
iwspz02/iwspd02(high) - relic spear
iwknd52 - Back Blade Custom
iwswd51 - Soul Eater
iwspd52 - Name Of vengeance
iwaxd53 - Apocalypse
iwmad52 - baltin tool
iwmad53 - hammer Of Repose
iwstd52 - Divine Core
iwaxd52 - Armor Killer Type 2
iwbod51 - Aldebaran
iwbod52 - beleropon
iwfid54 - Twin Impact
iwfid56 - M-72A3 Shadow Bullet
iwfid58 - MG-L-073GA ThunderBolt
iwfid59 - Beat Of Beast
iwlud54 - Judecker
iwfld54 - Revanthane
iwfad54 - Tartharos
Leon (Medium)
iwlxa50 - leon faust
iwkxa50 - leon Knife
iwsxa50 - leon spear
iwbxa50 - leon bow
iwtxa50 - leon staff
iwlxa45 - leon launcher
Leon (High) 50 and 55
iwbxc50/55 - leons hora bow
iwsxc50/55 - leons hora spear
iwkxc50/55 - leons hora knife
iwlxc50/55 - leons hora faust
iwfxc50/55 - leons hora vulcan
iwtxc50/55 - leons hora staff
iwlxc45 - leons missile launcher
iwekn55 - Elven Blade/knife
iwebo55 - Elven Bow
iwest55 - Elven Staff
iwewa55 - Elven Wand
iwmdb55 - Elven Metal Dual Blade
iwmbo55 - Elven Metal Bow
iwmeb55 - Elven Metal Blade
iwmca55 - Elven Gairtttling Gun
idmeb55 - Metal Elven Shield
idelb55 - Elven Shield
iwbog55 - Golden Bow
iwspg55 - Golden Spear
iwstg55 - Golden Staff
iwlug55 - Golden Launcher
iwfig55 - Golden Blaster
iwkng55 - Golden Blade
iwknb01 - Golden Wind Knife
iwspu01 - Golden Knife (speed)
Type C Weapons Lv 30-55*
Ability code is in brackets modify for ability^
a = 1.00 speed
b = endurance
c = pain 30 aim
d = smart 10 avd
e = strong 10 atk
f = solid 10 def
g = strenght 6 HP
h = adv strenght 5 FP/HP
i = vampire 20 atkD to HP
j = guardian 20 debuff decrease
k = sharp 5 inc crit
l = grand 20 range radius
iwaz[e]50/55 - launcher [e = strong intense]^
iwbz[e]50/55 - bow
iwsz[e]50/55 - sword
iwmz[e]50/55 - mace
iwfz[e]50/55 - gun
iwkz[e]50/55 - knife
iwpz[e]50/55 - spear
iwtz[e]50/55 - staff
iwxz[e]50/55 - axe
Hero Weapon
iwpvp01-27 - Hero Weapons
iwevn01 - Legacy blade
GM Weapons
iwstd01 – GM Staff / broken
iwkna99 – GM knife
iwknd01 – Elemental Knife
iwchr01 – Elemental Swords
idata50 - idati50(f=sloid)
idaab45 - shields acc
idbcb45 - shields ccc/bcc
SUPERIOR SHIELDS / SPECIAL SHIELDS (type c elven shields etc)
idbre50 - lv50 elven shield/w 15% atk 20acc
idbre55 - lv55 elven shield/w 15% atk 20acc
new shields, -100 dodge w/ block rate +
idqsa01 Hopron of Light and Dark
idqsa02 Mirror Shield of Light and Dark
idqsa03 Gothic Shield of Light and Dark
idqsa04 Parvise Shield of Light and Dark
idqsa05 Adarga of Light and Dark
idqsa06 Beam Parvise Shield of Light and Dark
idqsa07 Heater Shield of Light and Dark
idqsa08 Hora Shield of Light and Dark
idqsa09 Black Heater Shield of Light and Dark
idqsa10 Large Protector of Light and Dark
idqsa11 Crystal Protector of Light and Dark
idqsa13 Beam Cross Protector of Light and Dark
idqsa14 Beam Round Protector of Light and Dark
idqsa15 Golden Protector of Light and Dark
idqsa16 Thick Protector of Light and Dark
idqsa17 Platinum Protector of Light and Dark
idqsa18 Thick Black Protector of Light and Dark
superior shields, + superior typeC shields (superior solid shields etc)
idata51 Superior Advanced Strength Platinum Protector
idatb51 Superior Saving Platinum Protector
idatc51 Superior Pain Platinum Protector
idatd51 Superior Anti-Sharp Platinum Protector
idate51 Superior Strong Platinum Protector
idatf51 Superior Solid Platinum Shield
idatg51 Superior Strength Platinum Protector
idath51 Superior Protection Platinum Protector
idati51 Superior Vampire Platinum Protector
idatj51 Superior Guardian Platinum Protector
idatk51 Superior Sharp Platinum Protector
idatl51 Superior Grand Platinum Protector
idbta51 Superior Advanced Strength Hora Shield
idbtb51 Superior Saving Hora Shield
idbtc51 Superior Pain Hora Shield
idbtd51 Superior Anti-Sharp Hora Shield
idbte51 Superior Strong Hora Shield
idbtf51 Superior Solid Hora Shield
idbtg51 Superior Strength Hora Shield
idbth51 Superior Protection Hora Shield
idbti51 Superior Vampire Hora Shield
idbtj51 Superior Guardian Hora Shield
idbtk51 Superior Sharp Hora Shield
idbtl51 Superior Grand Hora Shield
idata54 Superior Advanced Strength Dark Round Protector
idatb54 Superior Saving Dark Round Protector
idatc54 Superior Pain Dark Round Protector
idatd54 Superior Anti-Sharp Dark Round Protector
idate54 Superior Strong Dark Round Protector
idatf54 Superior Solid Dark Round Protector
idatg54 Superior Strength Dark Round Protector
idath54 Superior Protection Dark Round Protector
idati54 Superior Vampire Dark Round Protector
idatj54 Superior Guardian Dark Round Protector
idatk54 Superior Sharp Dark Round Protector
idatl54 Superior Grand Dark Round Protector
idbta54 Superior Advanced Strength Black Adarga
idbtb54 Superior Saving Black Adarga
idbtc54 Superior Pain Black Adarga
idbtd54 Superior Anti-Sharp Black Adarga
idbte54 Superior Strong Black Adarga
idbtf54 Superior Solid Black Adarga
idbtg54 Superior Strength Black Adarga
idbth54 Superior Protection Black Adarga
idbti54 Superior Vampire Black Adarga
idbtj54 Superior Guardian Black Adarga
idbtk54 Superior Sharp Black Adarga
idbtl54 Superior Grand Black Adarga
idata56 Superior Advanced StrengthThick Black Protector
idatb56 Superior Saving Thick Black Protector
idatc56 Superior Pain Thick Black Protector
idatd56 Superior Anti-Sharp Thick Black Protector
idate56 Superior Strong Thick Black Protector (lvl55)
idatf56 Superior Solid Thick Black Protector
idatg56 Superior Strength Thick Black Protector
idath56 Superior Protection Black Protector
idati56 Superior Vampire Black Protector
idatj56 Superior Guardian Thick Black Protector
idatk56 Superior Sharp Thick Black Protector
idatl56 Superior Grand Thick Black Protector
idbta56 Superior Advanced Strength Black Heater Shield
idbtb56 Superior Saving Black Heater Shield
idbtc56 Superior Pain Black Heater Shield
idbtd56 Superior Anti-Sharp Black Heater Shield
idbte56 Superior Strong Black Heater Shield (lvl55)
idbtf56 Superior Solid Black Heater Shield
idbtg56 Superior Strength Black Heater Shield
idbth56 Superior Protection Black Heater Shield
idbti56 Superior Vampire Black Heater Shield
idbtj56 Superior Guardian Black Heater Shield
idbtk56 Superior Sharp Black Heater Shield
idbtl56 Superior Grand Black Heater Shield
ihbwg55-85 - armor golden
ihafd01 - armor DA
ihbwd01 Fire_Dragon_Helmet(Bellato_Common_Warrior_Relic)
ihbrd01 Fire_Dragon_Helmet(Bellato_Common_Ranger_Relic)
ihbfd01 Fire_Dragon_Helmet(Bellato_Common_Force_Relic)
ihcwd01 Fire_Dragon_Helmet(Cora_Common_Warrior_Relic)
ihcrd01 Fire_Dragon_Helmet(Cora_Common_Ranger_Relic)
ihcfd01 Fire_Dragon_Helmet(Cora_Common_Force_Relic)
ihawd01 Fire_Dragon_Helmet(Accretia_Warrior_Relic)
ihard01 Fire_Dragon_Helmet(Accretia_Ranger_Relic)
ihafd01 Fire_Dragon_Helmet(Accretia_Launcher_Relic)
ihbwd02 Aqua_Dragon_Helmet(Bellato_Common_Warrior_Relic)
ihbrd02 Aqua_Dragon_Helmet(Bellato_Common_Ranger_Relic)
ihbfd02 Aqua_Dragon_Helmet(Bellato_Common_Force_Relic)
ihcwd02 Aqua_Dragon_Helmet(Cora_Common_Warrior_Relic)
ihcrd02 Aqua_Dragon_Helmet(Cora_Common_Ranger_Relic)
ihcfd02 Aqua_Dragon_Helmet(Cora_Common_Force_Relic)
ihawd02 Aqua_Dragon_Helmet(Accretia_Warrior_Relic)
ihard02 Aqua_Dragon_Helmet(Accretia_Ranger_Relic)
ihafd02 Aqua_Dragon_Helmet(Accretia_Launcher_Relic)
ihawc50 , u,l,g,s - ACC Didalos Tactical Head(M-type)(close rangeSkill)
iharc50 , u,l,g,s - ACC Didalos Tactical Head(L-type)(rangeSkill)
ihafc50 , u,l,g,s - ACC Didalos Tactical Head(R-type)(LauncherSkill)
ihbwc50 , u,l,g,s - BELLS Palmas Head Protector(M-type)(close rangeSkill)
ihbrc50 , u,l,g,s - BELLS Palmas Head Protector(R-type)(rangeSkill)
ihbfc50 , u,l,g,s - BELLS Palmas Head Protector(F-type)(forceSkill)
ihcwc50 , u,l,g,s - CORA KnightWalker Faceguard(M-type)(close rangeSkill)
ihcrc50 , u,l,g,s - CORA KnightWalker Faceguard(R-type)(rangeSkill)
ihcfc50 , u,l,g,s - CORA KnightWalker Faceguard(F-type)(forceSkill)
ihawb47 - armor (b= bells , c=cora , a = acc, h=head , l=legs , s=shoes , g=gloves , u=upper | b = int | f=force , r=ranger , w = warrior, f = launcher)
(ttz = endurance, x = gurdian, y = sharp, v = protect)
(u = strength, t = solid, s = strong, r = pain, s61 = Strong Superior )
(q = adv str)
sklu005 - blue kit
ikbb006 - jetpacaks (aa = acc)
ikbb013 - jetpacks GOLDEN
ikbvb99 - Blood Booster
ikatb99 - Aiming Booster
iwevt01 - Snow Spray
53980 ircja09 Jade of Communication [2hr] 20976128
53981 ircja10 Jade of Communication [6hr] 21041664
53982 ircja11 Jade of Communication [24hr] 21107200
irrtn01 MAU Blessing Generator
53915 ircha01 Charm of Clairvoyance 30days[Cash] 16716288 (anti stealth)
53916 ircha02 Charm of Speeding 30days[Cash] 16781824(speed)
53917 ircha03 Charm of Leader 30days[Cash] 16847360(party)
53918 ircha04 Charm of Holiness 30days[Cash] 16912896(reduce debuff timing)
53919 ircha05 Charm of Restoration 30days [Cash] 16978432(blood)
53920 ircha06 Charm of Sympathy 30days[Cash] 17043968(for animus)
53927 ircha13 Charm of Clairvoyance 14days[Cash] 17502720
53928 ircha14 Charm of Speeding 14days[Cash] 17568256
53929 ircha15 Charm of Leader 14days[Cash] 17633792
53930 ircha16 Charm of Holiness 14days[Cash] 17699328
53931 ircha17 Charm of Restoration 14days [Cash] 17764864
53932 ircha18 Charm of Sympathy 14days[Cash] 17830400
53921 ircha07 Burst Generator 30days [Cash] 17109504(attack)
53922 ircha08 Protect Generator 30days [Cash] 17175040(deff)
53923 ircha09 Perfect Generator 30days [Cash] 17240576(anti avoid)
53924 ircha10 Penger Generator 30days [Cash] 17306112(MAU)
53925 ircha11 Aggressive Generator 30days [Cash] 17371648
53926 ircha12 Silence Generator 30days [Cash] 17437184
53933 ircha19 Burst Generator 14days [Cash] 17895936
53934 ircha20 Protect Generator 14days [Cash] 17961472
53935 ircha21 Perfect Generator 14days [Cash] 18027008
53936 ircha22 Penger Generator 14days [Cash] 18092544
53937 ircha23 Aggressive Generator 14days [Cash] 18158080
53938 ircha24 Silence Generator 14days [Cash] 18223616
53939 ircha25 High Level Charm of Speeding 14days[Cash] 18289152
53940 ircha26 High Level Charm of Leader 14days[Cash] 18354688
53941 ircha27 High Level Charm of Holiness 14days[Cash] 18420224
53942 ircha28 High Level Charm of Restoration 14days [Cash] 18485760
53943 ircha29 High Level Charm of Sympathy 14days[Cash] 18551296
53944 ircha30 High Level Burst Generator 14days [Cash] 18616832
53945 ircha31 High Level Protect Generator 14days [Cash] 18682368
53946 ircha32 High Level Perfect Generator 14days [Cash] 18747904
53947 ircha33 High Level Penger Generator 14days [Cash] 18813440
53948 ircha34 High Level Aggressive Generator 14days [Cash] 18878976
53949 ircha35 High Level Silence Generator 14days [Cash] 18944512 53950 ircha36 Middle Level Charm of Speeding 14days[Cash] 19010048
53951 ircha37 Middle Level Charm of Leader 14days[Cash] 19075584
53952 ircha38 Middle Level Charm of Holiness 14days[Cash] 19141120
53953 ircha39 Middle Level Charm of Restoration 14days [Cash] 19206656
53954 ircha40 Middle Level Charm of Sympathy 14days[Cash] 19272192
53955 ircha41 Middle Level Burst Generator 14days [Cash] 19337728
53956 ircha42 Middle Level Protect Generator 14days [Cash] 19403264
53957 ircha43 Middle Level Perfect Generator 14days [Cash] 19468800
53958 ircha44 Middle Level Penger Generator 14days [Cash] 19534336
53959 ircha45 Middle Level Aggressive Generator 14days [Cash] 19599872
53960 ircha46 Middle Level Silence Generator 14days [Cash] 19665408
53961 ircja01 Middle Level Jade of Abundance (Cash) 6days 19730944
53962 ircja02 Middle Level Jade of Relief (Cash) 6days 19796480
53963 ircja03 Middle Level Jade of Abundance (Cash) Quantitative Type 20ho 19862016
53964 ircja04 Middle Level Jade of Relief (Cash) Quantitative Type 20hours 19927552
53965 ircja05 High Level Jade of Abundance (Cash) 6days 19993088
53966 ircja06 High Level Jade of Relief (Cash) 6days 20058624
53967 ircja07 High Level Jade of Abundance (Cash) Quantitative Type 20hour 20124160
53968 ircja08 High Level Jade of Relief (Cash) Quantitative Type 20hours 20189696
iybla01 Black Excelsior A
iybla02 Black Excelsior B
iybla03 Black Excelsior C
iyred01 Red Excelsior A
iyred02 Red Excelsior B
iyred03 Red Excelsior C
iyblu01 Blue Excelsior A
iyblu02 Blue Excelsior B
iyblu03 Blue Excelsior C
iygre01 Green Excelsior A
iygre02 Green Excelsior B
iygre03 Green Excelsior C
iyyel01 Yellow Excelsior A
iyyel02 Yellow Excelsior B
iyyel03 Yellow Excelsior C
iypur01 Purple Excelsior A
iypur02 Purple Excelsior B
iypur03 Purple Excelsior C
iywhi01 White Excelsior A
iywhi02 White Excelsior B
iywhi03 White Excelsior C
iybrw01 Brown Excelsior A
iybrw02 Brown Excelsior B
iybrw03 Brown Excelsior C
iyolv01 Olive Excelsior A
iyolv02 Olive Excelsior B
iyolv03 Olive Excelsior C
iynav01 Navy Excelsior A
iynav02 Navy Excelsior B
iynav03 Navy Excelsior C
55440 iyrwu01 Stable Weapon 1~2 Ignorance Upgrader[Leon] 95228928
55441 iyrwu02 Stable Weapon 1~3 Ignorance Upgrader[Leon] 95294464
55442 iyrwu03 Stable Weapon 1~4 Ignorance Upgrader[Leon] 95360000
55443 iyrwu04 Stable Weapon 1~5 Ignorance Upgrader[Leon] 95425536
55444 iyrwu05 Stable Weapon 2~3 Ignorance Upgrader[Leon] 95491072
55445 iyrwu06 Stable Weapon 2~4 Ignorance Upgrader[Leon] 95556608
55446 iyrwu07 Stable Weapon 2~5 Ignorance Upgrader[Leon] 95622144
55447 iyrwu08 Stable Weapon 2~6 Ignorance Upgrader[Leon] 95687680
55448 iyrwu09 Stable Weapon 3~4 Ignorance Upgrader[Leon] 95753216
55449 iyrwu10 Stable Weapon 3~5 Ignorance Upgrader[Leon] 95818752
55450 iyrwu11 Stable Weapon 3~6 Ignorance Upgrader[Leon] 95884288
55451 iyrwu12 Stable Weapon 3~7 Ignorance Upgrader[Leon] 95949824
55452 iyrwu13 Stable Weapon 4~5 Ignorance Upgrader[Leon] 96015360
55453 iyrwu14 Stable Weapon 4~6 Ignorance Upgrader[Leon] 96080896
55454 iyrwu15 Stable Weapon 4~7 Ignorance Upgrader[Leon] 96146432
55455 iyrwu16 Stable Weapon 5~6 Ignorance Upgrader[Leon] 96211968
55456 iyrwu17 Stable Weapon 5~7 Ignorance Upgrader[Leon] 96277504
55457 iyrwu18 Stable Weapon 6~7 Ignorance Upgrader[Leon] 96343040
55561 iyspu01 Stable Superior Armor 1~4 Favor Upgrader 103158784
55562 iyspu02 Stable Superior Armor 1~5 Favor Upgrader 103224320
55563 iyspu03 Stable Superior Armor 2~4 Favor Upgrader 103289856
55564 iyspu04 Stable Superior Armor 2~5 Favor Upgrader 103355392
55565 iyspu05 Stable Superior Armor 2~6 Favor Upgrader 103420928
55566 iyspu06 Stable Superior Armor 3~4 Favor Upgrader 103486464
55567 iyspu07 Stable Superior Armor 3~5 Favor Upgrader 103552000
55568 iyspu08 Stable Superior Armor 3~6 Favor Upgrader 103617536
55569 iyspu09 Stable Superior Armor 3~7 Favor Upgrader 103683072
55570 iyspu10 Stable Superior Armor 4~5 Favor Upgrader 103748608
55571 iyspu11 Stable Superior Armor 4~6 Favor Upgrader 103814144
55572 iyspu12 Stable Superior Armor 4~7 Favor Upgrader 103879680
55573 iyspu13 Stable Superior Armor 5~6 Favor Upgrader 103945216
55574 iyspu14 Stable Superior Armor 5~7 Favor Upgrader 104010752
55575 iyspu15 Stable Superior Armor 6~7 Favor Upgrader 104076288
bxcsa01/04/07 = celebration of item base luck box <small> (isinya stable igno upgrader random)
bxcsa02/05/08 = celebration of item base luck box <medium> (isinya stable igno upgrader random)
bxcsa03/06/09 = celebration of item base luck box <large> (isinya stable igno upgrader random)
bxcsa10/13/16 = favor received box<small> (unstable favor upgrader)
bxcsa11/14/17 = favor received box<medium>
bxcsa12/15/18 = favor received box<large>
bxcsa19/22/25 = ignorance good box<small>(unstable igno upgrader)
bxcsa20/23/26 = ignorance good box<medium>
bxcsa21/24/27 = ignorance good box<large>
bxcsa28 = socket box
bxcsa29/32/35 = favor lucky box<small>
bxcsa30/33/36 = favor lucky box<medium>
bxcsa31/34/37 = favor lucky box<large>
bxcsa38/39/40/84/85 = fullmoon box
bxcsa41/44/47 = wisdom lucky box<small>
bxcsa42/45/48 = wisdom lucky box<medium>
bxcsa43/46/49 = wisdom lucky box<large>
bxcsa50/53/56 = dark lucky box<small>
bxcsa51/54/57 = dark lucky box<medium>
bcxsa53/56/59 = dark lucky box<large>
bxcsa60/63/66 = grace lucky box<small>
bxcsa61/64/67 = grace lucky box<medium>
bxcsa62/65/68 = grace lucky box<large>
bxcsa69/72/75 = mercy lucky box<small>
bxcsa70/73/76 = mercy lucky box<medium>
bxcsa71/74/77 = mercy lucky box<large>
bxcsa78/79/80 = lv 40 award box
bxcsa81/82/83 = lv 45 award box
bxcsa86/89/92 = lucky chaos box<small>
bxcsa87/90/93 = lucky chaos box<medium>
bxcsa88/91/94 = lucky chaos box<small>
bxcsa95/96/97 = national foundation day
bxcsa98/99 = christmast socks
51429 iiglb01 Hungry WildBeast Ring LowClass(Bellato) 74254336
51430 iiglb02 Hungry WildBeast Ring MiddleClass(Bellato) 74319872
51431 iiglb03 Hungry WildBeast Ring HighClass(Bellato) 74385408
51432 iiglc01 Hungry WildBeast Ring LowClass(Cora) 74450944
51433 iiglc02 Hungry WildBeast Ring MiddleClass(Cora) 74516480
51434 iiglc03 Hungry WildBeast Ring HighClass(Cora) 74582016
51435 iigla01 Hungry WildBeast Ring LowClass(Accretia) 74647552
51436 iigla02 Hungry WildBeast Ring MiddleClass(Accretia) 74713088
51437 iigla03 Hungry WildBeast Ring HighClass(Accretia) 74778624
51438 iiglb04 Waved WildBeast Lifes Ring LowClass(Bellato) 74844160
51439 iiglb05 Waved WildBeast Lifes Ring MiddleClass(Bellato) 74909696
51440 iiglb06 Waved WildBeast Lifes Ring HighClass(Bellato) 74975232
51441 iiglc04 Waved WildBeast Lifes Ring LowClass(Cora) 75040768
51442 iiglc05 Waved WildBeast Lifes Ring MiddleClass(Cora) 75106304
51443 iiglc06 Waved WildBeast Lifes Ring HighClass(Cora) 75171840
51444 iigla04 Waved WildBeast Lifes Ring LowClass(Accretia) 75237376
51445 iigla05 Waved WildBeast Lifes Ring MiddleClass(Accretia) 75302912
51446 iigla06 Waved WildBeast Lifes Ring HighClass(Accretia) 75368448
51447 iiglb07 Possessed natures ring LowClass(Bellato) 75433984
51448 iiglb08 Possessed natures ring MiddleClass(Bellato) 75499520
51449 iiglb09 Possessed natures ring HighClass(Bellato) 75565056
51450 iiglc07 Possessed natures ring LowClass(Cora) 75630592
51451 iiglc08 Possessed natures ring MiddleClass(Cora) 75696128
51452 iiglc09 Possessed natures ring HighClass(Cora) 75761664
51453 iigla07 Possessed natures ring LowClass(Accretia) 75827200
51454 iigla08 Possessed natures ring MiddleClass(Accretia) 75892736
51455 iigla09 Possessed natures ring HighClass(Accretia) 75958272
51456 iiglb10 Exiled Plunderers ring LowClass(Bellato) 76023808
51457 iiglb11 Exiled Plunderers ring MiddleClass(Bellato) 76089344
51458 iiglb12 Exiled Plunderers ring HIghClass(Bellato) 76154880
51459 iiglc10 Exiled Plunderers ring LowClass(Cora) 76220416
51460 iiglc11 Exiled Plunderers ring MiddleClass(Cora) 76285952
51461 iiglc12 Exiled Plunderers ring HIghClass(Cora) 76351488
51462 iigla10 Exiled Plunderers ring LowClass(Accretia) 76417024
51463 iigla11 Exiled Plunderers ring MiddleClass(Accretia) 76482560
51464 iigla12 Exiled Plunderers ring HIghClass(Accretia) 76548096
51465 iiglb13 Released Purgees Ring LowClass(Bellato) 76613632
51466 iiglb14 Released Purgees Ring MiddleClass(Bellato) 76679168
51467 iiglb15 Released Purgees Ring HighClass(Bellato) 76744704
51468 iiglc13 Released Purgees Ring LowClass(Cora) 76810240
51469 iiglc14 Released Purgees Ring MiddleClass(Cora) 76875776
51470 iiglc15 Released Purgees Ring HighClass(Cora) 76941312
51471 iigla13 Released Purgees Ring LowClass(Accretia) 77006848
51472 iigla14 Released Purgees Ring MiddleClass(Accretia) 77072384
51473 iigla15 Released Purgees Ring HighClass(Accretia) 77137920
51474 iiglb16 Dead Purgees Ring LowClass(Bellato) 77203456
51475 iiglb17 Dead Purgees Ring MiddleClass(Bellato) 77268992
51476 iiglb18 Dead Purgees Ring HighClass(Bellato) 77334528
51477 iiglc16 Dead Purgees Ring LowClass(Cora) 77400064
51478 iiglc17 Dead Purgees Ring MiddleClass(Cora) 77465600
51479 iiglc18 Dead Purgees Ring HighClass(Cora) 77531136
51480 iigla16 Dead Purgees Ring LowClass(Accretia) 77596672
51481 iigla17 Dead Purgees Ring MiddleClass(Accretia) 77662208
51482 iigla18 Dead Purgees Ring HighClass(Accretia) 77727744
55578 iyglw01 Gold Weapon Coupon [Bow] 104272896
55579 iyglw02 Gold Weapon Coupon [Spear] 104338432
55580 iyglw03 Gold Weapon Coupon [Launcher] 104403968
55581 iyglw04 Gold Weapon Coupon [Staff] 104469504
55582 iyglw05 Gold Weapon Coupon [Sword] 104535040
55583 iyglw06 Gold Weapon Coupon [Gun] 104600576
55584 iyglw07 5 Ignorance Gold Weapon Coupon [Bow] 104666112
55585 iyglw08 5 Ignorance Gold Weapon Coupon [Spear] 104731648
55586 iyglw09 5 Ignorance Gold Weapon Coupon [Launcher] 104797184
55587 iyglw10 5 Ignorance Gold Weapon Coupon [Staff] 104862720
55588 iyglw11 5 Ignorance Gold Weapon Coupon [Sword] 104928256
55589 iyglw12 5 Ignorance Gold Weapon Coupon [Gun] 104993792
55590 iyglw13 6 Ignorance Gold Weapon Coupon [Bow] 105059328
55591 iyglw14 6 Ignorance Gold Weapon Coupon [Spear] 105124864
55592 iyglw15 6 Ignorance Gold Weapon Coupon [Launcher] 105190400
55593 iyglw16 6 Ignorance Gold Weapon Coupon [Staff] 105255936
55594 iyglw17 6 Ignorance Gold Weapon Coupon [Sword] 105321472
55595 iyglw18 6 Ignorance Gold Weapon Coupon [Gun] 105387008
55596 iyglw19 7 Ignorance Gold Weapon Coupon [Bow] 105452544
55597 iyglw20 7 Ignorance Gold Weapon Coupon [Spear] 105518080
55598 iyglw21 7 Ignorance Gold Weapon Coupon [Launcher] 105583616
55599 iyglw22 7 Ignorance Gold Weapon Coupon [Staff] 105649152
55600 iyglw23 7 Ignorance Gold Weapon Coupon [Sword] 105714688
55601 iyglw24 7 Ignorance Gold Weapon Coupon [Gun] 105780224
55602 iyglb01 Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Helmet](Bellato) 105845760
55603 iyglb02 Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Helmet](Bellato) 105911296
55604 iyglb03 Gold Armor Coupon [Force Helmet](Bellato) 105976832
55605 iyglc01 Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Helmet](Cora) 106042368
55606 iyglc02 Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Helmet](Cora) 106107904
55607 iyglc03 Gold Armor Coupon [Force Helmet](Cora) 106173440
55608 iygla01 Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Helmet](Accretia) 106238976
55609 iygla02 Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Helmet](Accretia) 106304512
55610 iygla03 Gold Armor Coupon [Launcher Helmet](Accretia) 106370048
55611 iyglb04 Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity UpperGarment](Bellato) 106435584
55612 iyglb05 Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range UpperGarment](Bellato) 106501120
55613 iyglb06 Gold Armor Coupon [Force UpperGarment](Bellato) 106566656
55614 iyglc04 Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity UpperGarment](Cora) 106632192
55615 iyglc05 Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range UpperGarment](Cora) 106697728
55616 iyglc06 Gold Armor Coupon [Force UpperGarment](Cora) 106763264
55617 iygla04 Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity UpperGarment](Accretia) 106828800
55618 iygla05 Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range UpperGarment](Accretia) 106894336
55619 iygla06 Gold Armor Coupon [Launcer UpperGarment](Accretia) 106959872
55620 iyglb07 Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Pants](Bellato) 107025408
55621 iyglb08 Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Pants](Bellato) 107090944
55622 iyglb09 Gold Armor Coupon [Force Pants](Bellato) 107156480
55623 iyglc07 Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Pants](Cora) 107222016
55624 iyglc08 Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Pants](Cora) 107287552
55625 iyglc09 Gold Armor Coupon [Force Pants](Cora) 107353088
55626 iygla07 Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Pants](Accretia) 107418624
55627 iygla08 Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Pants](Accretia) 107484160
55628 iygla09 Gold Armor Coupon [Launcher Pants](Accretia) 107549696
55629 iyglb10 Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Gloves](Bellato) 107615232
55630 iyglb11 Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Gloves](Bellato) 107680768
55631 iyglb12 Gold Armor Coupon [Force Gloves](Bellato) 107746304
55632 iyglc10 Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Gloves](Cora) 107811840
55633 iyglc11 Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Gloves](Cora) 107877376
55634 iyglc12 Gold Armor Coupon [Force Gloves](Cora) 107942912
55635 iygla10 Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Gloves](Accretia) 108008448
55636 iygla11 Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Gloves](Accretia) 108073984
55637 iygla12 Gold Armor Coupon [Launcher Gloves](Accretia) 108139520
55638 iyglb13 Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Shoes](Bellato) 108205056
55639 iyglb14 Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Shoes](Bellato) 108270592
55640 iyglb15 Gold Armor Coupon [Force Shoes](Bellato) 108336128
55641 iyglc13 Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Shoes](Cora) 108401664
55642 iyglc14 Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Shoes](Cora) 108467200
55643 iyglc15 Gold Armor Coupon [Force Shoes](Cora) 108532736
55644 iygla13 Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Shoes](Accretia) 108598272
55645 iygla14 Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Shoes](Accretia) 108663808
55646 iygla15 Gold Armor Coupon [Launcher Shoes](Accretia) 108729344
55647 iyglb16 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Helmet](Bellato) 108794880
55648 iyglb17 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Helmet](Bellato) 108860416
55649 iyglb18 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force Helmet](Bellato) 108925952
55650 iyglc16 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Helmet](Cora) 108991488
55651 iyglc17 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Helmet](Cora) 109057024
55652 iyglc18 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force Helmet](Cora) 109122560
55653 iygla16 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Helmet](Accretia) 109188096
55654 iygla17 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Helmet](Accretia) 109253632
55655 iygla18 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Launcher Helmet](Accretia) 109319168
55656 iyglb19 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity UpperGarment](Bellato) 109384704
55657 iyglb20 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range UpperGarment](Bellato) 109450240
55658 iyglb21 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force UpperGarment](Bellato) 109515776
55659 iyglc19 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity UpperGarment](Cora) 109581312
55660 iyglc20 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range UpperGarment](Cora) 109646848
55661 iyglc21 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force UpperGarment](Cora) 109712384
55662 iygla19 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity UpperGarment](Accretia) 109777920
55663 iygla20 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range UpperGarment](Accretia) 109843456
55664 iygla21 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Launcer UpperGarment](Accretia) 109908992
55665 iyglb22 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Pants](Bellato) 109974528
55666 iyglb23 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Pants](Bellato) 110040064
55667 iyglb24 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force Pants](Bellato) 110105600
55668 iyglc22 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Pants](Cora) 110171136
55669 iyglc23 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Pants](Cora) 110236672
55670 iyglc24 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force Pants](Cora) 110302208
55671 iygla22 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Pants](Accretia) 110367744
55672 iygla23 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Pants](Accretia) 110433280
55673 iygla24 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Launcher Pants](Accretia) 110498816
55674 iyglb25 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Gloves](Bellato) 110564352
55675 iyglb26 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Gloves](Bellato) 110629888
55676 iyglb27 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force Gloves](Bellato) 110695424
55677 iyglc25 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Gloves](Cora) 110760960
55678 iyglc26 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Gloves](Cora) 110826496
55679 iyglc27 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force Gloves](Cora) 110892032
55680 iygla25 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Gloves](Accretia) 110957568
55681 iygla26 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Gloves](Accretia) 111023104
55682 iygla27 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Launcher Gloves](Accretia) 111088640
55683 iyglb28 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Shoes](Bellato) 111154176
55684 iyglb29 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Shoes](Bellato) 111219712
55685 iyglb30 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force Shoes](Bellato) 111285248
55686 iyglc28 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Shoes](Cora) 111350784
55687 iyglc29 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Shoes](Cora) 111416320
55688 iyglc30 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force Shoes](Cora) 111481856
55689 iygla28 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Shoes](Accretia) 111547392
55690 iygla29 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Shoes](Accretia) 111612928
55691 iygla30 5Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Launcher Shoes](Accretia) 111678464
55692 iyglb31 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Helmet](Bellato) 111744000
55693 iyglb32 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Helmet](Bellato) 111809536
55694 iyglb33 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force Helmet](Bellato) 111875072
55695 iyglc31 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Helmet](Cora) 111940608
55696 iyglc32 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Helmet](Cora) 112006144
55697 iyglc33 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force Helmet](Cora) 112071680
55698 iygla31 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Helmet](Accretia) 112137216
55699 iygla32 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Helmet](Accretia) 112202752
55700 iygla33 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Launcher Helmet](Accretia) 112268288
55701 iyglb34 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity UpperGarment](Bellato) 112333824
55702 iyglb35 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range UpperGarment](Bellato) 112399360
55703 iyglb36 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force UpperGarment](Bellato) 112464896
55704 iyglc34 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity UpperGarment](Cora) 112530432
55705 iyglc35 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range UpperGarment](Cora) 112595968
55706 iyglc36 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force UpperGarment](Cora) 112661504
55707 iygla34 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity UpperGarment](Accretia) 112727040
55708 iygla35 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range UpperGarment](Accretia) 112792576
55709 iygla36 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Launcer UpperGarment](Accretia) 112858112
55710 iyglb37 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Pants](Bellato) 112923648
55711 iyglb38 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Pants](Bellato) 112989184
55712 iyglb39 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force Pants](Bellato) 113054720
55713 iyglc37 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Pants](Cora) 113120256
55714 iyglc38 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Pants](Cora) 113185792
55715 iyglc39 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force Pants](Cora) 113251328
55716 iygla37 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Pants](Accretia) 113316864
55717 iygla38 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Pants](Accretia) 113382400
55718 iygla39 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Launcher Pants](Accretia) 113447936
55719 iyglb40 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Gloves](Bellato) 113513472
55720 iyglb41 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Gloves](Bellato) 113579008
55721 iyglb42 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force Gloves](Bellato) 113644544
55722 iyglc40 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Gloves](Cora) 113710080
55723 iyglc41 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Gloves](Cora) 113775616
55724 iyglc42 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force Gloves](Cora) 113841152
55725 iygla40 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Gloves](Accretia) 113906688
55726 iygla41 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Gloves](Accretia) 113972224
55727 iygla42 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Launcher Gloves](Accretia) 114037760
55728 iyglb43 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Shoes](Bellato) 114103296
55729 iyglb44 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Shoes](Bellato) 114168832
55730 iyglb45 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force Shoes](Bellato) 114234368
55731 iyglc43 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Shoes](Cora) 114299904
55732 iyglc44 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Shoes](Cora) 114365440
55733 iyglc45 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force Shoes](Cora) 114430976
55734 iygla43 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Shoes](Accretia) 114496512
55735 iygla44 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Shoes](Accretia) 114562048
55736 iygla45 6Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Launcher Shoes](Accretia) 114627584
55737 iyglb46 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Helmet](Bellato) 114693120
55738 iyglb47 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Helmet](Bellato) 114758656
55739 iyglb48 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force Helmet](Bellato) 114824192
55740 iyglc46 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Helmet](Cora) 114889728
55741 iyglc47 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Helmet](Cora) 114955264
55742 iyglc48 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force Helmet](Cora) 115020800
55743 iygla46 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Helmet](Accretia) 115086336
55744 iygla47 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Helmet](Accretia) 115151872
55745 iygla48 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Launcher Helmet](Accretia) 115217408
55746 iyglb49 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity UpperGarment](Bellato) 115282944
55747 iyglb50 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range UpperGarment](Bellato) 115348480
55748 iyglb51 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force UpperGarment](Bellato) 115414016
55749 iyglc49 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity UpperGarment](Cora) 115479552
55750 iyglc50 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range UpperGarment](Cora) 115545088
55751 iyglc51 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force UpperGarment](Cora) 115610624
55752 iygla49 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity UpperGarment](Accretia) 115676160
55753 iygla50 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range UpperGarment](Accretia) 115741696
55754 iygla51 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Launcer UpperGarment](Accretia) 115807232
55755 iyglb52 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Pants](Bellato) 115872768
55756 iyglb53 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Pants](Bellato) 115938304
55757 iyglb54 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force Pants](Bellato) 116003840
55758 iyglc52 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Pants](Cora) 116069376
55759 iyglc53 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Pants](Cora) 116134912
55760 iyglc54 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force Pants](Cora) 116200448
55761 iygla52 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Pants](Accretia) 116265984
55762 iygla53 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Pants](Accretia) 116331520
55763 iygla54 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Launcher Pants](Accretia) 116397056
55764 iyglb55 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Gloves](Bellato) 116462592
55765 iyglb56 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Gloves](Bellato) 116528128
55766 iyglb57 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force Gloves](Bellato) 116593664
55767 iyglc55 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Gloves](Cora) 116659200
55768 iyglc56 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Gloves](Cora) 116724736
55769 iyglc57 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force Gloves](Cora) 116790272
55770 iygla55 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Gloves](Accretia) 116855808
55771 iygla56 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Gloves](Accretia) 116921344
55772 iygla57 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Launcher Gloves](Accretia) 116986880
55773 iyglb58 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Shoes](Bellato) 117052416
55774 iyglb59 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Shoes](Bellato) 117117952
55775 iyglb60 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force Shoes](Bellato) 117183488
55776 iyglc58 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Shoes](Cora) 117249024
55777 iyglc59 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Shoes](Cora) 117314560
55778 iyglc60 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Force Shoes](Cora) 117380096
55779 iygla58 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Proximity Shoes](Accretia) 117445632
55780 iygla59 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Long Range Shoes](Accretia) 117511168
55781 iygla60 7Favor Gold Armor Coupon [Launcher Shoes](Accretia) 117576704
55782 iyglk01 5Chaos Gold Booster Coupon(Bellato) 117642240
55783 iyglk02 5Chaos Gold Booster Coupon(Cora) 117707776
55784 iyglk03 5Chaos Gold Booster Coupon(Accretia) 117773312
55785 iyglk04 6Chaos Gold Booster Coupon(Bellato) 117838848
55786 iyglk05 6Chaos Gold Booster Coupon(Cora) 117904384
55787 iyglk06 6Chaos Gold Booster Coupon(Accretia) 117969920
55788 iyglk07 7Chaos Gold Booster Coupon(Bellato) 118035456
55789 iyglk08 7Chaos Gold Booster Coupon(Cora) 118100992
55790 iyglk09 7Chaos Gold Booster Coupon(Accretia) 118166528
ircsa23 - cartella badge
ircsa24 - packing charm (decrease item price at NPC)
ircsa25 - negotiation charm (increase item profit at NPC)
ircsa26 - vision
ircsa27 - advance
ircsa28 - commerce charm (increase profit of purchases and sales)
ircsa29 - profit charm (expands lvl limit to increase monster loot)
ircsa30 - leader
ircsa31 - vigor charm (ignorant effect something)
ircsa32 - bless charm (favor effect)
ircsa33 - pureness charm
ircsa34 - sacrifice charm (5 increase idle regain up to 1000hp)
ircsa35 - instructor animus
ircsa36 - impulse gene
ircsa37 - protection gene
ircsa38 - thorns gene (returns certain amount of recieved damage)
ircsa39 - perfect gene
ircsa40 - panzer gene
ircsa41 - aggresive gene
ircsa42 - silent gene
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