%show me the dalant <123> (Memberikan uang , atau masukkan jumlah sendiri)
%show me the gold <123> (Memberikan gold 500.000 , atau masukkan jumlah sendiri.)
%neverdie (ON Tidak pernah mati.)
%no neverdie (OFF Tidak pernah mati.)
%matchless (ON GOD POWER.)
%no matchless (OFF GOD POWER.)
%full force (Menjadikan tingkat spirit ke Maximal.)
%god hand (ON Upgrade barang 100% berhasil.)
%chicken hand (OFF Upgrade barang 100% berhasil.)
%allskill <123> (Mengatur tingkat skill.)
%min attack point (Deal minimum damage of your attack range.)
%max attack point (Deal maximum damage of your attack range.)
%normal attack point (Set damage back to normal.)
%move <USERNAME> - move to player
%town - move to town base
%charcall <USERNAME> (Memindahkan player ke arah anda.)
%moncall <MONSTER_ID> (Memanggil/mensummon Monster.)
%partycall <USERNAME> (Memindahkan seluruh party ke arah anda.)
%guildcall <USERNAME> (Memindahkan seluruh anggota guild ke arah anda.)
%kick <USERNAME> (Mendicconect player dari game.)
GM new Command
# <text> (Gm chat)
$GM <text> (Set GM Welcome notice)
$notice <text> (NO IDEA YET)
?%recallexp # (sets the XP on ALL animus that are put away)
%recallexp 0 (resets all of them to lvl 1)
%recallexp 7500000000 (give you a level 50 pet)
ALT+B (Opens observer menu which enables fly/noclip mode.)
/add (Add the user to your player list, only usable in observer mode, must have player targeted when you do it.)
/remove (Remove player from observer list.)
/add (Use this command to add a blank button, and being abble to leave the follow mode.)
%contribute_p (CPT)
%contribute_m (PVP)
%allskill <123> (Mengatur tingkat skill.)
%recallexp <123> (Set oneself summoned animus level.)
%show me the dalant <123> (Memberikan uang , atau masukkan jumlah sendiri)
%show me the gold <123> (Memberikan gold 500.000 , atau masukkan jumlah sendiri.)
%min attack point (Deal minimum damage of your attack range.)
%max attack point (Deal maximum damage of your attack range.)
%normal attack point (Set damage back to normal.)
%effect time <123> (Mengatur waktu skill yang di pakai, max 9000 detik.)
%effect clear (Menghilangkan skill yang di pakai.)
%changetaxrate (mengganti jumlah pajak.)
%kick (Kick player out of game.)
%chatban (Mute XXXX player)
%circle (Display amount of players near you.)
%total (Display amount of users online for each race.)
%servertime (Display server uptime.)
%itemdrop-rate 6 (ItemDrop_Rate:6 x)
%expert-rate 6 (Expert_Rate:6 x)
%force-rate 6 (Force PT Rate: 6 x)
%exp-rate 6 (Exp_Rate:6 x)
%mine-rate 6 (Mining Rate: 6 x)
%rate-info (Display current rates)
%rateoff (Set rates back to x1)
%move <USERNAME> - move to player %town - move to town base
%port (MEmindahkan ke map baru.)
%eder (Memindahkan Ke ether.)
%jump (Teleport to XYZ coords.)
%goto ship (Memindahkan ke Pesawat Penumpang.)
%kick <USERNAME> (Mendicconect player dari game.)
%takeholymental (Memindahkan HSK ke arah anda.)
%charcall (port a player to you)
%partycall <USERNAME> (Call whole player party to oneself.)
%guildcall (Call whole player guild to oneself.)
%jump Platform01 12544 1357 -3215 (Cora ether sky jail)
%jump Platform01 -4737 3406 11077 (Bell ether sky jail)
%jump Platform01 -11118 3700 -430 (Acc ether sky jail)
%jump Elan -5242 429 -2655
%jump Elan 3549 219 -3974
%respawn stop (Stop mobs respawning)
%respawn start (Start mobs respawning)
%moncall (ID)
%monset (Turn On/Off mobs respawning.)
%start holy (Start chip war.)
%keeper bye (Kill HSK until next CW.)
%start keeper O (Make HSK appear, friendly for bellato.)
%start keeper 1 (Make HSK appear, friendly for cora.)
%start keeper 2 (Make HSK appear, friendly for accretia.)
%threeseven war (Drop 4 Race backpacks.)
%goto stone 0 (bellato)
%goto stone 1 (cora)
%goto stone 2 (accretia)
%pass dungeon (Menyelesaikan Dungeon)
%lv (Mengatur Lv.)
%transparent (ON Menjadi tidak terlihat.)
%no transparent (OFF Menjadi tidak terlihat.)
%neverdie (ON Tidak pernah mati.)
%no neverdie (OFF Tidak pernah mati.)
%matchless (ON GOD POWER.)
%no matchless (OFF GOD POWER.)
%full force (Menjadikan tingkat spirit ke Maximal.)
%god hand (ON Upgrade barang 100% berhasil.)
%chicken hand (OFF Upgrade barang 100% berhasil.)
ALT+B (Opens observer menu which enables fly/noclip mode.)
/add <USERNAME> (Tambahkan pengguna untuk daftar pemain Anda, hanya dapat digunakan dalam mode pengamat, harus memiliki pemain ditargetkan ketika Anda melakukannya.)
/remove <USERNAME> (Hapus pemain dari daftar pengamat.)
/add (Use this command to add a blank button, and being abble to leave the follow mode.)
%clear inven (Mengosongkan seluruh isi Inventory.)
%xyz (Give oneself coords.)
%resurrect (Resurrect oneself.)
%Set Guild Grade (Set oneself guild grade.)
%Set Guild Grade By Name (Set guild grade.)
%Set Guild Grade By GuildSerial (Set guild grade.)
%pass dungeon (Menyelesaikan Dungeon)
%pass quest (Menyelesaikan Quest dan mendapatkan hadiah.)
%total (Menampilkan jumlah player onliine dari setiap bangsa.)
%circle (Display amount of players near you.)
%beggar (Menjadikan Droppan ke jumlah maximal.)
%no beggar (Menjadikan jumlah Droppan ke normal.)
%threeseven war (Drop 5 strange bags.)
%servertime (Display server uptime.)
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